Satirical, political, philosophical, hysterical, existential, two-dimensional drawings, drawn by a girl named Romy.
0.4mm black felt pen on paper
I spy with my little Zeitgeist
A pastiche of memory and meaning
Live, life, learn, lines
Romyisms  <3

3 years ago, I went through a painful breakup. Being a woman of many rituals, I thought that, perhaps, a new artistic practice might be a good way for me to cope with the heartache. So, I added a new custom to my morning routine.

I’ve been doodling and illustrating in the margins of my journals my whole life. It’s fun! I’m a writer and musician, so I have certain expectations around those art forms, but with drawing, there's no pressure! (Ok, I'm a Virgo, so admittedly there's a bit of pressure) So, I decided I’d do a drawing every morning while sipping tea (usually Japanese Gyokuro) and listening to a record from my big record collection. No expectation, just whatever was on my mind that morning. Sometimes the drawings are a response to what's happening in the world and in the news, sometimes they're puns that come to mind while I'm driving, sometimes they're ideas I have whilst talking to friends, sometimes they're  revelations from a meditation, sometimes they're a portrait of a person I admire, whose birthday it happens to be that day. Either way, each drawing is an immediate evidence of 'the now' that I happen to be in.

Some 1000+ drawings later, here I am, still religious about my ritual. Maybes it’s because I’m a Virgo, or because these drawings have come to bring others in my life so much joy, but I cannot stop this healthy habit now… and probably never will!


At the request of friends and followers, I’ve decided to sell limited editions of some of my drawings. There will be 5 actual drawings, not prints, of each drawing. I will keep adding and subtracting drawings after the editions sell out. Each drawing is $50 and is done with 0.4mm black felt pen, on 1.4 lb. medium surface paper: 9 x 12 inch / (22.9 x 30.5 cm) I can also do custom poster sized drawings upon request. 

Affordable art. The perfect gift for any occasion, with ample room for different framing sizes.